How to Keep your white clothes perfectly clean

How to Keep your white clothes perfectly clean

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How to keep your white clothes perfectly clean with the help of ZAP Bleach
To remove stains from school shirts, or any other white fabric such as table cloths and towels that have seen better days. Before throwing it away or donate it, follow this advice

1. Wash items after every one to two wears

Even if you can’t see them, invisible body soils and perspiration can turn white fabrics yellow or gray over time. “You want to wash them out before they build up,”

2. Attack stains as soon as possible

Food spots like ketchup or coffee are a given, but things that you can’t see, like sweat marks, should be treated to prevent build-up too.

3. Always separate white and colored clothes

Sure, this seems obvious, but this is a must.

4. Pick your ZAP Bleach

4.Pick your ZAP Bleach
To do this, add half a cup of zap bleach into a 20 ltr bucket full of clean water. Let it soak for minimum 30 mins for Zap Bleach to do its magic. Then regular wash it with hands with your favorite detergent soap.

5. Hang to dry

See the brightness of your shirt.

seperate clothes


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  • Tausi
    15/09/2018, 1:04 pm Reply

    zap bleach is the best

    • Tarmal Industries Ltd
      Tausi 08/10/2018, 12:13 pm Reply

      Thank you Ms.Tausi , your comments are well received.

  • Elianshikira Wilfred Ndossi
    06/10/2018, 11:07 am Reply

    Very good products for family use.

  • James harden
    08/10/2018, 11:58 am Reply

    I use zap bleach for my doctors white coat. Works well to remove all stains and keep my doctors coat looking all sparkling white ,smelling fresh and clean.

    • Tarmal Industries Ltd
      James harden 08/10/2018, 12:10 pm Reply

      Thank you Dr.Harden for using Zap Bleach for your cleaning needs.

  • Eliza Charles Kikwilu
    09/10/2018, 10:48 am Reply

    zap bleach ni bidhaa bora hapa nchini kuliko bleach nyingine,kwani inang’arisha sana nguo nyeupe.